Come and join The Democracy Box!
Become a paid young co-creator
No former creative experience or democratic/political knowledge is required. In fact if you do not understand/care about democracy we really want to hear from you!
We are running online sessions throughout May which young co-creators are paid to attend. This is an ongoing open call. Apply now.
This opportunity for young people has been made possible thanks to The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Jersey
We’re helping everyone in Jersey to understand their democracy and we’re recruiting the first ever group of Jersey Democracy Box young co-creators to do it with us
You can find out all about The Democracy Box and our work helping people in the UK understand our democracy here and here.
No experience, knowledge or interest in Democracy/Politics is required to be a young co-creator.
This is NOT about party politics.
This is about your voice.
The 2018 general election in Jersey saw only 32% people vote and
‘couldn’t get to a polling station’ and ‘not interested in the election‘
were the top reasons for islanders not voting.
Who can apply?
Anyone aged 16-26 born or based in Jersey.
Apply today if you answer yes to all 8 questions
- Are you aged 16-26 year old?
- Are you based or were you born in Jersey?
- Do you spend at least 2 hours a day on social media?
- Would you like to earn £15 an hour for making stuff on your phone/computer?
- Are you interested in being creative and creating content across multi-media platforms?
- Do you love or loathe or don’t care about politics
- Are you either registered or not registered to vote?
- Do at least one of the following statements apply to you?
- I have/will always vote
- I have never voted
- I will never vote
- I think it’s all a waste of time
- What is voting?
- I don’t even know what the word democracy means
- I think I have a little bit of an idea what democracy means
- I believe strongly in democracy
- I am not into politics
- I am extremely political
- I am in the middle somewhere
- None of the above
No former creative experience or democratic/political knowledge is required.
We welcome all applications and encourage applications from everyone aged 16-26 from anywhere in Jersey.
When, where and who?
The work will take place during May 2022 and will be remote, flexible and part-time.
You need access to the internet and a device.
There will be sessions on zoom.
This work is with Omidaze in collaboration with the The Children’s Commissioner for Jersey
How much will I get paid?
The hourly rate is £15 an hour. All young co-creators are guaranteed 16 hours work and a fee of £240. You will be contracted as a self-employed person and will be responsible for declaring your earnings and paying your own tax and national insurance.
How do I apply?
Fill in your details below (and the details of your parent/guardian if you are under 18) and the details of someone who can provide a reference. This needs to be someone who has known you for at least two years e.g.an employer, teacher or college lecturer/tutor. Not a friend or family member.
Answer the 2 questions below. If you prefer you can send video or audio responses
Finally please complete the equality and diversity monitoring form also.
Send your application by email and/or WeTransfer to Yvonne Murphy at y.murphy1@ntlworld.com marked
Contact us if you have any questions or difficulties filling in the application form below
Please keep responses to the three questions below short- video/audio response to 3 min max and written to 500 words max. Thank you!
- Tell us a bit about yourself Why have you applied and what matters to you. What would you like to change in Jersey?
- Tell us what you think about the fact that those aged over 55 in Jersey are more than twice as likely to vote than those aged 16 -34.
Please confirm you are available to attend all five sessions
Tuesday 3rd 4-6pm
Tuesday 10th 4-6pm
Thursday 12 4-6pm
Monday 16 4-6pm
Wednesday 18 4-6pm
Tuesday 24 4-6pm
Your details:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Parent/carer consent if under 18 years old:
I give consent for my child (insert name) to take part in The Democracy Project online
Referee Details:
(this can be a teacher/lecturer or employer)
Referee Name:
Referee Phone Number:
Referee Email:
How do they know you?
How long have they known you?
Access Needs
We encourage applications from those who identify as disabled/D/deaf.
If you identify as disabled/ D/deaf and have found that you have encountered barriers in your working relationships or ability to take on opportunities because of your disability you may wish to complete and submit an access rider when returning your signed letter of engagement to inform us of any access needs. A sample access rider template and further information can be found at https://www.accessdocsforartists.com/what-is-an-access-doc
I do/do not (please delete appropriately) give consent for my details to be kept on file and to be contacted in the future regarding this and other Omidaze/Children’s Commissioner projects.
I do/do not (please delete appropriately) give permission for Omidaze to keep my application on file and use for The Democracy Box research purposes
Finally please complete this equality and diversity monitoring form
Contact us if you have any questions or difficulties filling in this application form
For more information about Yvonne Murphy/Omidaze Productions please visit www.omidaze.co.uk
This opportunity for young people has been made possible thanks to funding to The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Jersey